Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Mariposa BMW rally 2016 and home

Jimmy , DeeDee and I arrived at Mariposa after a great ride over the snow covered passes and were greeted by many friends. It was a great rally with 508 in attendance. They had good weather and many guest speakers. The usual good food and trolley rides into Mariposa where they had an art an wine tasting festival at the court house.
It was very hot so I just checked out some of the vendors and had a bite to eat before heading back to the campground. Wandering around Mariposa I spied this carving.

This old car was parked beside the festivities.
Mariposa. The mother of all counties.
Back at the campground this Africa Twin pulled in and my friend Joe is considering one so I had to take a picture. Many are touting it as the Honda of the future as it has so many new innovations.
Then the highlight of the rally for me. Ted Simon was one of the guest speakers and I got to have dinner with him. When I first started motorcycling I read Jupiter's travels. Ted rode his Triumph around the world before it was a standard thing to do by adventuring motorcyclists. He is now 85 years old and put on a delightful presentation.
I am not normally one to enjoy the GS Giants presentation but they had a great track laid out and some very courageous riders so I found it rather enjoyable this year. At the final awards on Sunday night I was delighted to win a tire pump that attaches to the battery. And also 125.00 US in the 50/50 draw. The next morning as usual I had to get up early, pack and get on the road as I had to be home on Wednesday night for a scouting meeting. So not to many pictures on the way home. Up over Sonora Pass where there was still lots of snow.  I stopped as this next place for gas. It is on 208 going around Reno and enters the interstate at Fernley..
 As I road down I 80 interesting thought arose. I was passed by an Audi station wagon with a brown tarp wrapped with rope was across the top about the width of the vehicle. Thought! That could be a body. What better place to hide it than in plain sight. Carried on. Turned north at Wells Nevada and arrived at the Motel 6 in Idaho Falls. Checked in and who pulls in beside me? This Audi with the "body" on top. I said hello and advised him he had passed me on I80 about 2 hours ago. And I explained why I remembered this. Seems his wife does pottery and it was seaweed as when it is fired it makes these marvellous colors. At least that is the story he told me. It still could have been a body.
The next day I booted it for Conrad Montana and my favorite Super 8 but I stopped at Melrose Montana for fuel and lunch and ate at the Hitching Post.
And got fuel here.
Arrived home in lots of time for the meeting.
The following weekend Carol and I rode to the car show in 3 Hills. Beautiful ride. Hot day and many beautiful cars. Here are a few.

I even found this Rat Fink for DeeDee

The next day saw me at 2 wheel Sunday. Not too many pictures as I was kept extremely busy selling 50/50 tickets to raise funds for the Veteran's food bank. We raised $782.00 Thanks to the help of Kat and Alf and Carol. 
This was before a lot had arrived. It was packed and again a huge success.

Well I will close here and then start my next adventure to the UMCI rally in Kamiah Idaho and on to BMW rally in John Day Oregon. Slowly getting caught up.

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