Wednesday, 27 July 2016

2016 Kamah UMCI Rally and John Day BMW rally

After a wonderful scouting Unity Camp at Lost Lake. It was now time to get on the bike again and venture forth. Carol and I loaded up and headed west for Cranbrook, BC. We had arranged rooms at the Lazy Bear Lodge and were meeting Peter and Nelly and Eric from Edson there. We also arranged to have John and Dorothy Wetherell meet us at Denny's. What a delightful time sharing old memories and getting together again. John and Dorothy no longer ride so have bought a Miata convertible. Seems to be the car of choice for x bikers.
The next morning we had a small breakfast at the motel and headed out with me leading. Don't know how that happened. Unfortunately it started to rain as we went south and it was quite cold but we forged on. Fueled up in Bonner's Ferry and agreed we would stop for lunch in Cour de Lane. Well I was concentrating so hard on staying on 93 that next thing I knew we were outside of the city and no sign of anything for miles and we were hungry wet and cold but then off to the right was a casino with food so in we went and had a bite while it poured rain outside.
The next stop was to be Lewiston for fuel but again I was concentrating on where 12 met 93 and next thing I knew we were out of town and we all needed gas. What to do , Turn around and go back or forge on. Then I suddenly remembered that casino on 12 where Joe and I had fueled up a month before and pulled in like I knew what I was doing.
It had stopped raining and we arrived at the Lewis and Clark resort and set up camp. A good turnout 83 for the rally and good fun. 
Picture out our window at the Lazy Bear Lodge
Our entourage
For some reason or other I did not take many pictures at the rally.
On Sunday everyone packed up and left except Art and Betty and the kids and I. We stayed an extra day. Karl and John looked out for Carol on the way home.
This is Rita and Brad Foltham at the dinner. They were big winners of some of the door prizes but it seems the Canadians took their fair share for sure but not me. I think I used up all my luck in Mariposa.

Art and Betty and the kids and I had a wonderful time together on Sunday and on Monday with sunny skies I packed up and headed for John Day Oregon to the BMW rally. I travelled over mostly familiar roads, through Kooskia and on to New Meadows. Okay decision. Do I go west through Council Idaho or east and south on 55 through Cascade. Well I had never been to Cascade before so east it was.( Just a note. I just found out that they tore down the Ace Hotel in Council Idaho. If you will recall, that is where I had the $25.00 room. No linoleum on the floor and camoflage sheets.)
In Cascade I found the Arrowhead campground. What a lovely campground on the Paquette River.
They do a lot of carving there and had lots of these spread around the place. There was no food nearby but I arrived in lots of time for the ice cream social. For $1.00 I had all the ice cream I could eat. Even Huckleberry so that was my dinner for the night.

Unfortunately about midnight it started to rain. So the next morning I packed up a wet tent and headed out. It was cold also and I had not eaten. I came into this town Emmett Idaho and pulled into the Blue Ribbon Cafe and Bakery. Oh what a great breakfast with homemade marble rye toast. Nothing like it. I was dripping wet but the rain let up during breakfast and I headed west and  found my way to John Day. I was one of the first to arrive and put my tent up near amenities. Almost in the same place I was at the UMCI rall there years before.
Soon people started arriving and most of my friends set up across the field. We walked up to The Outpost for meals that were not provided at the rally. We did have 2 wonderful meals provided though. Tacos one night which were excellent and fed 500 of us very quickly. The next night we had steak and chicken , again very good. Unfortunately it rained A LOT. I only went out for a short ride one day and to get fuel. 
I tried to catch the sun peaking through the clouds one day
Tim relaxing at the new coffee shop on the corner in John Day. 
This is the trophy I brought home. It is 747 miles from Calgary to John Day.
I don't know how they knew I was going to win it. It is such a likeness of me!
Will close here so I can get some things done today.
Will tell all about my journey home in next episode.

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