Well I have been remiss. I finally made it home from my European trip on my blog but that was more than a month ago and I have posted nothing since and right now I am on another adventure and in Sprague Washington just west of Spokane but back to Alberta and the Alberta 500. It will be easy as only 13 attended and we went to Castor Alberta in the rain and packed up and went home in the rain. But you know what? We had a delightful time Thanks to Julie and Jim McFarland members of the club who live in Castor. Julie made deer stew and rhubarb pie. So delicious and we were able to go over to their lovely home and enjoy this respite. The campground was very nice and The White Goose restaurant was nearby. I did not take too many photos as it was just too wet. But by times the sun came out and we were able to have a campfire Sat night before we crawled into our tents and listened to the rhythm of the falling rain. Well it should have been easy but for some reason or other does not want to upload my photos. Will try again tomorrow. Hopefully it will work then. Very tempermental.

In Castor between storms. Beautiful.
On the way to Castor
John Colebank,s castle in the campground with lovely flowers we found and resuscitated.
A beautiful campground A little wet on Sunday though and a little far from the restrooms.
Some flowers at the pond and you all know me and flowers. A wet ride home on Sunday and getting prepared for the next adventure.
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