Sunday, 2 October 2011

New Adventure Wild West Tours Guided Motorcycle Trip

Friday Sept 30/2011
Flight to Los Angeles leaves at noon so be at the airport by 10:00AM
Stressed to the max. Will my bag weigh too much? Will I be able to take my helmet?
Bag weighed 23lbs nowhere close to 50. Helmet no problem. Flight was excellent and arrived LA 2:06
Caught the shuttle to the Marriot where we were greeted by our guides and sized up for jackets and met some of our fellow riders and given our room keys. Then we headed for our room. I went for a swim in the marvellous pool right ourside our door. Then in to change for welcoming dinner. This was different ..They bussed us to an outdoor restaurant The Rock and Brew where we were treated to breaded squid..Cheese bread and pizza and beer. Then to bed because we had to be up early the next day to get breakfast and go to Eaglerider to get fitted for our bikes.

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