Monday, 10 October 2011

Bryce Canyon to Las Vegas

Well today is the last day of the ride and started out in a most auspicious way.

It was decided that it would be too dangerous to head higher up in elevation so we did not actually go to Bryce Canyon but retraced our steps aways from the day before and stopped in Red Canyon for photos.
What beautiful colors with the red rocks and green trees and white snow. Kind of like Christmas and we rejoiced with songs like Jingle Bells.

It was a bit of a culture shock for many on the tour and in particular the Brazilians and our Australian Troy
They had never ridden in anything like this before. Anyway we left Red Canyon and headed for Zion National Park. A whole other world of rocks and beauty. I never got a whole lot of pictures here because when you are riding it is difficult to take photos as well so I only got the following,,,,,
One of the many phenomenon I had forgotten about Zion was the Checkerboard Mesa which you pass on the way in to Zion I tried to look up how this happened and could only find that it was etched that way by sun and wind and rain. It is like someone actually took a marker and a square and drew lines all over the rock. Quite a sight to see. The one picture is where we are all lined up waiting to go through the big tunnel.
Once through this amazing National Park we headed for our final destination Las Vegas and our Farewell Dinner. It was sad to have to say goodbye to our newfound comrades. We returned the bikes to EagleRider and headed over to our hotel The Excalibur. Checked into our rooms and headed for our dinner at The House of Blues in the Mandalay Bay Hotel. We never had to go outside just walked through the Luxor and even had moving sidewalks to ride on. It is like a maze and I would never have found my way back had I not had Steve for a guide. We said our farewells and I headed for a card playing machine and won a whole $1.25 before returning to my room to find my key would not work. So had to go to the front desk and try again. Read on to see what happened next. My particular adventure was not over.

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