Sunday, 11 September 2016

UMCI Rosebud rally 2016

In my haste I forgot the rally in Rosebud and my trip to BC in the convertible. When I got back from Hamburg the following weekend Rick and I headed for Radium for a soak in the hot tub. We left on Saturday at 6AM in the pouring rain. Just outside Calgary the sun came out and we had a lovely weekend. Went to the hot springs and had a soak early and when we came out, headed for Kaslo.
Got to Kaslo to find that the Jazz festival was on. There was no room at the Inn or any other inn for that matter. Thankfully I had convinced Rick to throw in the tent. (Just in case) . We went through Dutch Creek on the way and I took these pictures. Been a long time since I have been down this way.

And of course we passed Fort Steele

We ended up spending Saturday night camped in the tent in the Kokanee Creek campground boat launch to the tune of $32.00. The next night on the way home we stayed at the Lazy Bear Lodge in Cranbrook. One of my favorite places.
The following weekend found me on the bike once again in Rosebud Alberta. We had about 35 attend the rally. Not certain of numbers because some just came and visited for a few hours. We went on a dice run through the countryside and lucky as I am I managed to win low roll.
First stop was the little church on the Dinosaur trail.
Then we stopped at Horsethief Canyon

We then crossed the  Bleriot ferry

Then we went to The Last Chance Saloon in Wayne for lunch.

Jim and Julie dropped in for a visit with Peter and Nellie.
Peter and Nellie
It was a good rally. A little rain and it would have been fine if I had the right poles for the right tent but I managed Okay.
The menagerie in front of the house. Now I can report on the 3 Flags.

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