Me sitting on Joe's new stool in Prague
So I landed in L.A. and called Ken and he was waiting at a shopping mall 5 minutes away from the airport. It took me 1 1/2 hours to get through US customs because of the sheer volume of people all getting there at the same time. Ken came just a few minutes after I called and we drove to Palm Springs. I had a good sleep and the next morning left for home on the F650GS. I fueled in 29 Palms and a fellow pulled up on a bike and of course after seeing the Alberta plates started talking to me. So unlike Europe. Then I headed to Roy's place in Amboy in the middle of the Mojave and there was a group of Germans there on a tour and of course I talked to them.
This is on Route 66
Then I headed out and up through Kelso. I was surprised to find a lot more Joshua trees than I had seen in Joshua Tree Monument so stopped to take picture of the blooms and the fruit.
Not a lot of traffic. So proceeded on to Primm Nevada where I fueled up so I would not have to stop anywhere in Las Vegas. Just boogied on through.
Stopped here and had a cool drink and talked to a couple of guys on bikes that I had passed earlier. One was from Texas and the other from Angelfire New Mexico. This amusement park is in Primm.
Then I road steady to Cedar Utah and I was thinking of stopping but it was a beautiful evening so forged on to Beaver Utah and stopped at a Motel 6. You know your back in America. Look at the size of that US flag.
This was the view from my window. The next day I got up early and rode right through Salt Lake City and stopping for fuel and a bite to eat in Fort Hall Idaho. Then I stopped at the rest area in the Lava Hot Beds and took a little walk along the trails they have built in Hell's Half Acre.
They have a lot of interpretive signs along the trail but I will not put in all of them.
Anyway time to move on if I am ever going to make Missoula Montana. Betty is holding dinner.
1 More stop though at a rest area in Montana and later for fuel..Guess that is 2 stops. Got fuel in Deerlodge and
the next two pictures are the rest stop before that.
After a nice sleep and visit with Art and Betty I headed out and only stopped a few times and only took the next two pictures of Flathead Lake near Somners
And so ends this particular journey.