Going back a bit. One of Karen's groomers at her busines is also an artist and one day could be quite famous and the following is a picture he painted and gave her as a Christmas present. Rather whimsical don't you agree?
I left Mesa this morning and headed for Yuma. Hard to believe it is Boxing Day. It is cold in the mornings but warms up during the day but everyone seems to think it is too cold for biking. I just tell them I am Canadian and this is quite hot....I managed to make all the right turns today and never got lost once. I did take a little side tour into the new casino south of Maricopa and took these awesome photos.
I traveled on and stopped at Gila Bend for a bite to eat and then headed on to Yuma. When I arrived I called Kathryn and then got a room at the Motel 6 as Trish will not be here til tomorrow. I had a nice dinner with Kathryn and Lionel and we went to see the sunset which I thought was pretty great but Kathryn said they do get much better and it looks like tonight is a full moon. After visiting for a bit they drove me back here to my room. Kathryn and I plan to do some riding tomorrow.
What a fitting end to a beautiful day.