Well as promised I need to catch up and get the story of the trip home up on my Blog. It was a lot of fun. There were 400 at the rally and camped quite near me was Fred who haled from Susanville, California. When I indicated I was leaving the next morning and heading over Tioga Pass and up 395 he asked if I would like company. I said I would be delighted and he was a great traveling companion. Here is a picture of the bikes waiting for the light. There was a landslide on the road and we had to cross 2 portable bridges to continue our journey.

Our timing was good as the lineup to get in was only a few cars. As the young man came to check passes etc. I asked if he would go in my pocket for me so I would not have to take off gloves etc. He said well whats in there I said my park pass as I was here yesterday and he said go ahead. Couldn't even get a quick feel. Damn. Anyway we turned and headed for Tioga Pass. Fred has a National Park passport book and he wanted to get it stamped so we had to stop at Tulomne Meadows. Not much there but we got the stamp. Then as we exited the park there was a long line up to get in. Shortly after Fred pulled off and said I think this is a Kodak moment . I think he was absolutely right.

This is where we just came from.

This is where we were going

A long way down.
We continued on and our next stop was Mono Lake visitor centre for another stamp.
What an interesting way to see the USA as I might never had stopped and missed this lovely museum and interesting feature.
This is Mono Lake and those are odd sediment formations.
This was painted on the side of the visitor center and these lovely rocks were out front with plaques of what each was.
We left and headed out to Topaz Lake where there was an RV Park and Super 8 and casino. We stopped and Fred said he was thinking of getting a motel room. I said that sounds like a good idea.So he said well one room with 2 beds? I replied Perfect! So when we got to the room Fred was a little disconcerted as to what I expected. I just clarified. This is your bed. This is my bed. This is your room. Be comfortable as if I was not even here. I sure he probably slept with one eye open for fear I may take advantage of him. But nothing happened. Just good company with good friends and that is what it is all about. This is the view from our room.
The complex had a great restaurant where we ate and it was very good. These chuckwagens were around all the walls.
The next morning as we were packing Fred said "I feel so blest. Do you ever feel that way?"
I replied,"Every day."
We traveled on to his home in Susanville and I carried on alone. That night I stayed in an 89.00 Best Western in Lakeside Oregon.

Beautiful place but it is not the same when one is all alone. The next morning I continued on my journey. I ran into a little rain but could not complain as it was very light and the are really needed it. I ran into 2 motorcyclists from Calgary on one of my stops and acted as tour guide. Sending them to John Day and the fossil beds on their journey to Bend. Shortly after that I made the acquaintance of Jim from Kalispell on a Harley and he pointed out he was a member of BMWMOA and was riding the Harley to get it to Kalispell. Anyway we stopped at the Ace Hotel on Council Idaho and met with one of the locals Dwight. He was a nice guy and said we should stay there The rooms were only 25.00. Well I put out my 25.00 but should have continued on as my room had no linoleum on the floor and I had camouflage sheets. Not sure what they were camouflaging because I did not dig too deep. I slept in my clothes on top of the covers. The next morning I went over to this lovely café across the street and after breakfast coerced a local fellow to help me get my bike out of the back yard of the hotel.

I walked around and took some pictures of this quaint little place.
This young man Joshua was explaining to me that these tractors were very old.
This is their old court house.
I liked the restaurant because it had this picture of Tom Selleck in it.
Dwight and Jim
The next morning I stopped for fuel on the outskirts of Kooskia and then stopped for breakfast.
This is the mirror in Kooskia. I left here and went up over Lolo Pass. Now I am in familiar territory and much more comfortable. That night I stayed with Art and Betty and the next morning and saw a deer, hummingbird, squirrels and robins outside my window in the back yard. A far cry from Council Idaho. I had breakfast with the gang at the hayloft and then headed north with Art riding as far as Poulsen with me. 1 more adventure under my belt. Next is the Alberta 500 8n Cardston and I just got back from Lunatic Fringe Rally at the Beaupre Community Hall Just west of Cochrane.