Pick up day
A few days later. Thank God for the new cover.
This was on a ride to put my miles on. Here I am at The Big Rock near Okotoks. I was on a looking for crocuses ride.
I reluctantly parked my new bike in the garage and took out the bike and sidecar. I needed the sidecar to bring home plants from Aspen Crossing. What a wonderful Mother's day I had. Went to UMCI motorcycle breakfast and then to church. Then I rode to Aspen Crossing and enjoyed brunch on their patio. I got a couple of shrubs for a friend and when I got to town called and he was home. So we planted the shrubs and he made me dinner. A fresh pork roast, peas and little potatoes. Just delicious and then we played a couple games of cribbage and I went home. It just made for a perfect day. So because the sidecar was already out and there was indication they might clean our street I did not want to have to many vehicle out so decided to take bike and sidecar to Cache Creek on the long weekend to Cache Creek.
I was thinking if there was snow or rain through the Rogers Pass ( and there certainly could be at this time of year) that the bike and sidecar would offer a little more protection that the new bike and my luggage was not here yet either. So on Friday morning I headed out. It was a nice day and a great ride.
I stopped at the A & W in Revelstoke and this tree was in blossom and it was a beautiful day.
Still some snow on the heights but gorgeous none the less. I arrived at the campground and was delighted to see a lot of my friends from BC and us Alberta folk who made it. 30 in all for dinner.
It was a great meal Rick and Irene did it a little different in that we had a 50/50 and with the clubs half we had wieners, sausages, buns,chips and dessert. It was great. Unfortunately it did rain when we started to eat. When I arrived I set up my tent and because everyone already had gone for dinner I hwalked up to the store and had a nutritious supper of chips and ice cream. Sounds well balanced to me. The next morning it was overcast. We went to Chums for breakfast. Back at the campground I tried to get some of the group to go for a ride but amid words of it is going to rain and possibly snow I headed out to Logan Lake with absolutely no idea where it was. I went back to Savona and saw a sign leading off to Tumkwa Lake so I took it. I was on this little country road with no shoulders and it wound through the woods. I saw a beautiful red headed woodpecker and a couple of deer in a glade. At one farm 3 cute little burros had their heads over the fence. However I did not get a photo as there was no place to pull over. I headed up till I found a small Lake and asked some fellas on quads if I kept on this road where would it go and they replied Logan Lake. Great that is where I was headed anyway.
First Lake I stopped at. I believe it was called Leighton.
As you can see by the clouds rain was definitely threatening but not a drop so far. And it certainly was not dampening the spirits of all the people camped in this spot. On to Logan Lake.
Then I said Where is this mine they keep talking about? Oh well I'll just head for Ashcroft I saw a sign pointed there and I knew that it was only 10 km to Cache Creek. Oh what is this at the side of the road? A huge pit and tailings pond. It is one of the biggest copper mines in the world. I went up to the viewpoint and took these shots.
I headed back to Cache Creek and never got a drop of rain until I stopped to talk to Michael from Peachland on a BMW. Go figure> He wanted to know if I wanted to hear a joke. ME! NEVER!
Unfortunately it was an old favorite about what you get when you cross an onion with a donkey.
Either an onion with really long ears or every so often with a little bit of luck you will get a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes. On that note I will finish for tonight. Tomorrow is another day at Cache Creek and then the trip home where I flew to Palm Springs. Stay tuned.