After leaving Kendrick we were taken down to the bottom only to go up again to the dam. One of the core of volunteers was there to tell us about the dam and it was air conditioned inside so a very cool place to sit. Here are some pictures I took of the dam.
Mean while back at the rally site were all kinds of our favorite people.
George Penner and Willi from Oroville Washington
Ollie and Mary Jane
Kathy Case's daughter and son-in-law..Sorry guys..Jackie and Keith and look at those great BMW's
And of course Tonni Nielsen and Barry Pratt and Ron Pratt
You can see how hot it was by the degree of undress. I even went in the pool a couple of times even though it was not heated. I can still hear Ron telling me to suck it up as he is used to jumping into Lac La Ronge while there is still ice on it...NOOOO THANK YOU! That evening upon return I had dinner at the Sacawajea Cafe. Just did not want to drive any further. Wednesday morning Ron told me he wanted to do something he has never done before so with great trepidation I asked..What? He wanted to ride in a sidecar so I took him to Kamiah for breakfast.
A great breakfast it was too but I could not eat much. I was so very tired all day and although I was drinking lots of water I was not replacing electrolytes and even though I hit the pool again I still slept for several hours. I ate a light supper and went for a walk across the road to the Heart of the Monster a old Indian legend of the area.
Wednesday evening we had a gathering as usual and a little bit of fun with Kevin. It seems he took off his UMCI vest and a local towns person found it and fortunately gave it to someone from the rally. Soooo our illustrious safety control supervisor was compelled to teach him how to secure a load using various techniques and tools such as duct tape, tie downs, tie wraps and rope. I think they should have left him there for awhile to get himself loose but alas they felt sorry for him and assisted him in his escape. That will teach him for accusing Kevi (his wife) of putting it somewhere.

Thursday after my down day I awoke feeling much better and wished to go on one of the rides. However I was clothes and was running a little late but with good instruction on how to get there I decided to go to the monastery. I did have to go to Kamiah for gas though so was a little late on take off but did as I was told. Through Kooskia, on to Grangeville, T intersection Uh Oh was that left or right? Turned left no sign saying Cottonwood and ended up at WhiteBird Summit. Thank goodness I did not go down but took a few pictures and turned around.
As you can see it was a looong way down so I turned around and headed the other way at the T and sure enough saw a sign for Cottonwood. Turned and went through the town and saw a sign St. Gertrude's monastery 3 miles. I arrived shortly after everyone else despite detours and they had been sent from the museum to the chapel as the nuns would be using it soon for prayers. What a beautiful serene.
Then went to the museum which had a lot of interesting things about the area and so nicely arranged and a delightful lady running it. We were supposed to go on to Lewistown to the casino for lunch but I wanted to return and the lady suggested we go to Keuterville for lunch. She said the Pub and Grub was voted the best Pub in Idaho one year. This was rather a small place.. a church and the Pub and grub but very fun and we all had lunch there and some of us returned and some forged on.

That evening was the dinner catered by the resort people. Very good with ribs..pork and beef and chicken. Coleslaw and beans. Hit the spot. Then afterward draws were made for all the door prizes and 50/50. I never won a thing and some people took several door prizes and 50/50.s. Horeshoes up their wazoo I say. Then the people who had signed up for the rooster hunt at midnight were called up and presented with their dead rooster. We had several who thought fit to cock-a-doodle-doo at 3:30AM. So Ann Odell, Ron Pratt, Ron Fox and I think Gary Shearer were called forth. Oh my What fun. That night goodbyes were said and the next morning people were off in every direction, many homeward bound and some like myself on to another adventure. But that is another story.